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দেশ | CBSE declares Class 12 board results, get direct link here

Porni Banerjee | ১৩ মে ২০২৪ ১২ : ২৪Porni Banerjee

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has declared the Class 12 result on Monday (May 13). Students can now check their results on the board’s official websites cbse.gov.in or results.cbse.nic.in and cbseresults.nic.in.

Approximately, 39 lakh CBSE candidates for classes 10 and 12 have enrolled themselves this year nationwide. The overall pass percentage was recorded at 87.98 percent. Of the 16,33,730 students registering for Class 12 board examinations this year, as many as 16,21,224 students appeared and 14,26,420 students passed the exams.  

While Class 10 examinations were conducted from February 15 to March 13, those for Class 12 held from February 15 to April 2. Over 24,000 students obtained more than 95 percent.

Class 10 and 12 students can also check their results on DigiLocker app by following the steps:

Visit DigiLocker website (digilocker.gov.in) or open DigiLocker app
Sign in or register for a new account using your mobile number
Once signed in, go to the homepage
Select Class 10 or 12 results 2024
Fill out the necessary information
Click ‘submit’ to view your result
Save and print a hard copy for future use

বিশেষ খবর

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নানান খবর

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রবিবার অনলাইন

সোশ্যাল মিডিয়া

05 24